Winter care in containers

Plant pot care in winter is important to ensure that your plants survive the cold weather. Here are some tips.



Protect your plants from frost – This can be done by moving them to a sheltered spot, such as under a porch or south facing wall. You can also cover them with horticultural fleece or bubble wrap before a frost is due.



Careful watering – Potted plants still require watering in the winter months, so it’s important to check them often and don’t let them dry out.


Mulch the soil – A layer of mulch, such as bark chips or straw, will help to insulate the roots and protect them from the cold. Our SylvaBark® Pine Mini Mulch is perfect for this



Group plants together – Grouping plants together helps to create a microclimate that is warmer than the surrounding air and protect them from cold winds.


Protect your pots – use pot feet or bricks to lift pots off the ground to ensure good drainage and to stop pots freezing to surfaces.



Here are some additional tips for specific types of potted plants:


Tender plants: Tender plants, such as fuchsias and geraniums, will need to be brought under cover for the winter. Place them in a bright spot and water them carefully.


Hardy plants: Hardy plants, such as heathers and conifers, can stay outdoors in winter, but they will still need some protection from frost. Cover them with horticultural fleece or bubble wrap before a frost, and group them together for warmth.


Evergreen plants: Evergreen plants, such as laurels and box, will also need some protection from frost. Cover them with horticultural fleece or bubble wrap, and water them carefully.

By following these tips, you can help your potted plants survive the winter and thrive in the spring.