SylvaGrow® Farmyard wins Garden Press Event ‘New Product Award’

Melcourt has been voted Best New Product for the second year in a row. SylvaGrow Farmyard was voted top product by delegates at the 2021 Garden Press Event.

Melcourt’s managing director Andy Chalmers said: “We’re delighted to win this prestigious award. Our peat-free SylvaGrow Farmyard is an excellent product for all gardens because it’s full of natural slow-release nutrients and made from a renewable resource.”

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SylvaGrow Farmyard has won a Best Product Award

A nutrient-rich peat-free soil conditioner

SylvaGrow Farmyard is a consistent and nutrient-rich source of organic matter and can be used all around the garden just like farmyard manure.

The product is made from anaerobic digestate, a by-product of green energy production. And because it contains no manure, it’s suitable for use by vegans and approved by the Soil Association.

Continuing challenges in sourcing a reliable, herbicide-residue-free farmyard manure encouraged Melcourt to look more widely at materials. This peat-free compost provides all the benefits of FYM, without the risks of contamination and inconsistency.

The peat-free soil conditioner is easy to spread having an even particle size and a slow-release nutrient content. Endorsed by the RHS, the product offers gardeners a wonderful opportunity to spread safe, rich and consistent organic matter throughout the garden with superb results.

See where to buy SylvaGrow Farmyard here.