7254 2DR SylvaGrow John Innes No.2 22L 5060157811664

SylvaGrow® John Innes No.2 (Peat-free) For Potting On

Ideal for potting-on established plants, houseplants and for vegetable plants in containers. Friable and free-flowing texture. John Innes Composts were originally developed at the John Innes Horticultural Institute in the 1930s.

The four formulae were designed to cater for the different nutritional needs of plants ranging from seed sowing through to final containers. The range comprised Seed Compost and then numbers 1, 2 & 3, containing successively higher nutrient levels. SylvaGrow® John Innes Seed Compost, No.1, No.2 and No.3 offer gardeners an exceptional opportunity to use these great heritage composts with an updated peat-free formulation.

ProductStamp-ThisProductGeneric-B212700-1 (1)

Product Description

  • A unique blend of fine bark and wood fibre (by-products of sustainably managed British forests) with sterilized loam and fine grit.
  • Contains balanced nutrients sufficient for the first 3–5 weeks of growth.
  • RHS endorsed
  • Ideal for potting on established plants, houseplants and for vegetable plants in containers.
  • Contains no peat or green waste compost
  • Approved by the John Innes Manufacturers’ Association
  • Available in 22 litre bags
How To Use

POTTING ON Young plants, containers, tubs and houseplants

• First, ensure that the plant to be potted on has been well-watered. If it is dry, immerse the roots in a bucket of water for half an hour.

• Fill the pot, tub or other container with SylvaGrow John Innes No.2.

• Make a hole large enough to accommodate the item to be potted and  insert it, taking care that the growing medium is at about the same height on the stem as previously. • Gently firm the SylvaGrow John Innes No.2 around the plant, water thoroughly.

• Ensure that the SylvaGrow John Innes No.2 is kept moist but not over-wet at all times.

• After 3–5 weeks, regularly apply a liquid feed, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Alternatively, at the time of potting, incorporate slow-release fertilizer granules according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Grow Bag SylvaGrow John Innes No.2 can be used in its original packaging as a very successful small grow bag. Simply lay the bag flat on its side, cut drainage slits in the base along both sides of the bag and use for tomatoes, strawberries, herbs, lettuces, aubergines, peppers, chillies etc. Apply liquid feed according to the manufacturer’s instructions after 3–5 weeks.

Raised Beds SylvaGrow John Innes No.2 can be used as part of a raised bed medium for vegetable and strawberry growing. Simply mix one part SylvaGrow John Innes No.2 thoroughly with two to three parts loam or garden soil to gain a valuable addition of organic matter, sterilized loam and nutrients. Remember to supplementary feed as instructed above in ‘Potting On’ as vegetables are heavy feeders and will respond well.

Planting Out SylvaGrow John Innes No.2 can be used as a planting medium for roses, shrubs, trees, herbaceous perennials and bedding plants in order to add valuable organic matter, loam and nutrients. Simply blend at one part to three parts of the back-fill soil. Always ensure that the plant is watered to capacity before planting out and if necessary, immerse the roots in a bucket of water for half an hour prior to planting. Ensure that the planting pit is well-integrated with the wider soil with no smeared sides or other impediments to root exploration beyond the planting hole.

Lime-hating, ericaceous plants SylvaGrow  John Innes No.2 is not suitable for raising lime-hating, ericaceous plants in containers. For these SylvaGrow Ericaceous is recommended.

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