Growing Media, Pot Mulches and Growing Media Ingredients
Sylvamix® Autumn Bedding
• Contains Melcourt Sylvafibre (composted woodfibre / fine bark), coir and a wetting agent. •…
Sylvamix® Special
• Contains Melcourt Growbark, Melcourt Sylvafibre, two widely used and well-proven products in peat-free and…
Sylvamix® Seed and Cutting
• Contains Melcourt Growbark Pine and coir • Includes a low level of balanced fertilizers,…
Sylvamix® Hanging Basket
• Contains Melcourt Growbark, Melcourt Sylvafibre and coir • Contains the water management aid H2Gro®…
Sylvamix® Natural
• Contains Melcourt Growbark Pine, Melcourt Growbark Mixed Conifer, two widely used and well-proven products…
Sylvamix® Potting
• Contains Melcourt Sylvafibre (composted woodfibre / fine bark), coir and a wetting agent. •…