Bark Nuggets®
A long lasting, versatile, high performance mulch, suitable for a wide range of professional and domestic landscape applications, including prestigious sites. Particularly effective when a high quality, decorative finish is required.

Product Description
• Nominal particle size range 15 to 65mm
• Naturally acidic
• Free flowing and easy to handle
• Very attractive visual appearance
• Rich mid-brown in colour
• Long effective service life of 4 years plus
• Fire resistant characteristics, confirmed by testing in accordance with BS 4790:1987, make Bark Nuggets particularly useful in areas of potential fire risk, e.g. car parks, vehicle fuel filling stations, adjacent to offices and pedestrian walk ways, housing estates etc
• Processed from natural, sustainably produced pine bark, Douglas fir and larch
• RHS endorsed (when sold in 60 litre bags)
• Certified by the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®)*
• Hostile living environment for pests
• 100% peat free
• Suppresses weed growth replacing expensive shrub bed hoeing and chemical weed-killing
• Conserves soil moisture, minimising drought stress and plant death and eliminating the need for excessive plant watering
• Substantially enhances the visual appearance of new and existing planted areas
• Successfully used for many years on sites throughout the UK and proved to perform extremely well
• Provides an insulating layer, substantially reducing the effects of ground freezing and over-heating during extreme weather conditions
• Good resistance to wind and rain erosion
• Suitable for use on moderate slopes
• Slowly improves the soil’s organic content, as it decomposes
• Easy to lay and install, using simple tools and requiring little subsequent maintenance
• Allows clean access onto mulched areas for plant pruning
Available in 60 litre bags, bulk bags and in loose bulk
This product is from FSC MIX Sources at a minimum of 70%, FSC certificate number CU-COC-806457.
* Product sold in loose bulk is FSC certified by special request only

• Ensure the area to be mulched is entirely free from both annual and perennial weeds
• Lay Melcourt Bark Nuggets evenly onto freshly cultivated moist soil, after planting has been completed.
• The mulch should be laid at between 50 to 100mm depths, allowing at least 5% for settlement
• For greatest longevity, do not disturb once applied
* All values given in the Specifications table are typical. However, some variation may occur from time to time. Melcourt Industries Ltd reserves the right to alter the specification without notice, for the purpose of product improvement.
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Melcourt Industries Limited,
Boldridge Brake, Long Newnton,
Tetbury, Gloucestershire.
Tel: +44(0)1666 502711
Fax: +44(0)1666 504398
Email: [email protected]